IDAE - Informations pour la Défense des Animaux et de l’Environnement
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Informations pour la Défense des Animaux et de l’Environnement

Ignite (Punk)

Artiste/Groupe : Ignite
Style : Punk
Titre : Hands on stance
Adresse :
Pays : Usa
Année : 2000

Texte :

If you care, love something
And see it threatened
You’ll get angry and fight
A scorched earth policy
Nature’s not valued by our society
Sometimes you fight and you win
Most of the time it’s a loss up against big monies
War on predators on public property

Destroy what humans have made, like a bulldozer
You’re called a vandal or a criminal
But clear cut old growth trees
You’re called a logger, a miner, a businessman
Stand up and fight don’t give in
Stagnant hands can’t accomplish anything
I value life over property
The greedy hands stained in blood money

Sometimes you fight and you win
Stand your ground don’t you give in
Sometimes you fight and you win
Stand up for what you believe

The circus came to town, bringing misery
White trash families
Bring the kids gawk at inhumane tragedies
Beat down lions, detoothed black bears
Elephants on the verge of insanity
Rodeo hillbillies
Travelling jails and side show circus freaks

Sometimes you fight and you win
Stand your ground don’t you give in
Sometimes you fight and you win
Stand up for what you believe

All hands on stance for what you believe
Stand your ground firm because

Sometimes you fight and you win
Stand your ground don’t you give in
Sometimes you fight and you win
Stand up for what you believe

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